Friday, May 29, 2009

#40 - Quick cache after lunch

After hitting up McDonald's for lunch we grabbed a quick geocache. This one was great. It was about Anne Carrol Moore, who worked at the NYC library and came to USU and started a children's library. 2006 was the centennial year of here work at the NYC library.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hide #1

Yeah, we hid our first cache yesterday!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

#38 and #39, and a fun hike

We grabbed a couple of geocaches this afternoon. I only took pictures of one, but it was a good one. It was quite a hike up the hillside but it was nice to get out of the city and find a geocache. It has a nice view from the geocache. The hike up the mountainside was for "Landing Pad" and the quick micro-cache was "not a wooden one."

If you look closely you can see Adan and Mateo above. They made it most of the way up the hillside but the last part was just too steep for them to climb. They were good hikers, though. Below is the view from the geocache.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


We were down in Orem on Saturday morning before heading up to Lagoon and did a few more over the weekend. We took my nephew Joshua with us, too.

First we found a few in the city...

Then we headed for some in Provo Canyon. They did get a little rock climbing in, too.

Friday, May 22, 2009

#32: Boat Crossing

We snagged a quick geocache this morning. It was a fun one, but I took the hard way to get to it by having to cross a log over the canal. It was an adventure, though! This is Adan's last day of school, and Mateo's first day of summer vacation, so we made it a fun morning.

Geocache: GC1F6KX

Thursday, May 21, 2009

#30, #31, and a benchmark

Alright, I've been slacking on the blogging lately...
But, here are geocaches #30 and #31!!! And our first benchmark!

Geocache #31 (Glass Houses, GC1CKTZ). This one was along a nice little trail by a canal. We caught it just before the sun set. It was a nice little stroll for the kids.

Our first benchmark! (Designation UC 129, geocache code MR0724.) It is by the cemetary near our apartment. It was a pretty easy find. As you can see, Mateo's eyebrows are about to fly off of his face he is so excited. Before we found this benchmark we were waiting at Feded/Kinkos for a job they were doing for me. I had the boys pick a square on the floor and pretend that they were a zoo animal in a cage (so they didn't wander around and touch everything) but they could make zoo animal sounds. Adan picked to be a tiger and added a few dust stripes to his face! Mateo picked to be an elephant, and Jacob just thought it was fun to lay on the floor.

Geocache #30! (Walk on by, GCYFJY) This one wasn't that hard, though it took us a few minutes to find it. We did it while the fedex/kinkos job was being done for me.

All in all, it was a good evening of geocaching.